Flood Restoration Works - Local percentage


At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held last week the Councillors were presented with a report on expenditures against the restoration of public assets following the flooding events from 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 by Consulting Engineers – ERSCON Consulting Engineers.

At the end of the programmed works, including the works associated with the 2020 event, Council will have restored roads within the local road network to a total cost of $200 million. Since 2017, the local spend has been allocated to local suppliers, contractors and Council at an average of 76% of the overall spend, highlighting the Councils commitment to local suppliers.

Mayor Jack Bawden said that when the Council was sworn in following the 2016 local government election Councillors were committed to ensuring a fair opportunity for local suppliers and contractors.

“It also highlights the capability and capacity of the Carpentaria Shire to undertake works on behalf of third parties like the Department of Transport and Main Roads and the Queensland Reconstruction Authority” he said.

Tenders are called at the end of each year for suppliers and contractors to provide pricing and listing of available machinery for the coming construction period. Council is committed to ensuring transparency and accountability in its dealings with suppliers and contractors and the spending of Commonwealth and State Government funding and this process supports that commitment.

“Council continues to undertake its own construction works, maintenance works and works on behalf of the Department of Transport and Main Roads on top of the many restoration works undertaken under the restoration of public assets program and this is assisted with the use of local suppliers and contractors” Mayor Bawden said.