
New Discover Carpentaria Website

An opportunity for Businesses, Services, Clubs and Schools to be featured on the Discover Carpentaria Website.

The information for the website is required to be provided by the local business, service, club or school if it is to be featured. Some basic information has been included on the website to kick it off. If you wish to provie the information about your Business, Service, Club or School please forward to

Access to the website can be found following the link below.

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Youth Strategy 2023-2028

The Youth Strategy sets out a plan to provide assistance and direction to encourage our future leaders to step up and be counted. This cannot be achieved solely by Council, we need all relevant agencies to form partnerships and work towards a common goal. Young people also need to step up and take responsibility for their role as active citizens, and their contribution to ensuring a cohesive and harmonious community.

A copy of the Strategy is available at the link below. 

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Fact Sheets

Council is in the process of developing a number of Fact Sheets to assist the community with relevant information about doing business with Council.

As Fact Sheets are developed they will be made available in this area.

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