On behalf of the Carpentaria Shire Communities the Council takes its role as an Advocate for the Shire, and the broader Region, seriously and is always seeking opportunities to secure funding for major projects that are beyond the financial and other resources of the Council.
Advocacy efforts include, but are not limited to the following:
Active participation in peak governing organisations and their advocacy efforts such as the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ), North West Queensland Regional Organisation of Councils (NWQROC) and the Western Queensland Alliance of Councils (WQAC).
Representations to State and Australian government ministers.
Regular meetings to make representations to local members of parliament.
Active engagement with media and social media at the appropriate level and intensity.
Active engagement with all candidates participating in government elections.
Brokering partnerships and strategic alliances with other local and regional organisations.
Submission of applications to secure funding to deliver priority projects.
Contributing submissions to senate inquiries and other government surveys and opinion-seeking efforts.
Carpentaria Shire Council was the first of the member Councils of the Western Queensland Alliance of Councils (WQAC) to adopt it's Local Housing Action Plan (LHAP) and form an Advisory Committee to progress the Actions Identified in the LHAP.
Council will continue to work through the Actions identifed and provide updates and information to the community on the work on this important issue impacting many commnities across the State and the Nation.
Information can be found in the documents below and at the following links as they become available.
Some interesting information from the Department in relation to the Modern Methods of Construction, see link below